Numpang lewat klik by Gresik News

Greetings editorial staff

Gresik news online was the interactive media publicly guarded the aspirations of the community.This media contained the news that happened in the Gresik territory and surrounding area. Gresik news online accompanied you for 24 hours. Also presented latest, critical and responsible information. In the hope of receiving the response from the community and to the alternative media to express the truth. Ahmad yani elbanis, The Person Responsible. Contact person, 03170878086,081357333777)


Majukan Desa Bersama Menteri

Gresiknews-Menteri Daerah Tertinggal, Lukman Edy (kiri) berpose bersama Ahmad Yani Elbanis (the responsible di halaman depan pintu Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Jakarta. Alumnus Universitas Brawijaya (Unibraw) Malang Jawa Timur itu berharap masyarakat agar giat membangun dan menggali potensi daerah, untuk bersama memajukan bangsa Indonesia agar bangkit dan keluar dari krisis ekonomi. Selamat berjuang Mas Lukman Edy,  mantan aktivis PMII dan salah satu kader terbaik dari Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB).